Apostolic Ministries of America, Inc.

"A Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith"


Elder Charles Ford Walker
Chief Elder & General overseer
Apostolic Ministries of America, Inc.


To all of you, out there in cyberland, and more expressively to the Saints of the Most High God greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I do hereby, with the greatest of joy and excitement, welcome you to this web site. I was inspired by God to produce this site, and am sure it can became a vital part of your salvation, giving you enrichment in the understanding of the all powerful and divine, True Word of God.

As you browse and navigate yourself through this web-site be sure to stop along the way to examine our infallible DOCTRINE; listen to some of the most beautiful music in churchland; hear powerful sermons on God's one and only plan of SALVATION; join us in our world wide chat rooms to discuss all of the burning subjects that all of the religious world must come to accept; and last do not forget to spend some time listen ing to the Audio Bible, by Goshen, giving the most powerful narrations of the Holy Bible in modern times. And most of all my dear friend the main purposes of this web site is to inform you that if your plan of salvation does not consist of Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave utterance and a continuance in the Apostle's Doctrine, you are in grave danger of failing to obtain eternal life. So come on my dear brother and/or sister and have a church meeting right here on the internet.



Thanks to God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for having the privilege of residing in the beautiful State of Florida (Titusville, Florida, the home of Space Port, USA). The revelation of God's one and only plan of salvation was given to me when I was a teenager, and God called me to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ during my junior year in high-school. Being led by the Spirit of God from my native Tennessee to South Florida; There I was baptized with water in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. That Precious and unforgettable night when I was filled with the Holy Ghost I immediately preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thereafter, continued steadfastly in the Apostle's Doctrine, in The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, with Bishop S.C. Johnson as Apostle and General Overseer. Again, after 40 years I am still running this race with patience that is set before me and earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints.



Left top: Elder Walker at 19 years of age
Right top: 20 year old men of God
Left center: Elder Walker 22 years of age
Right center: Many days of Fasting, 20 yrs

Left bottom: Young Missionaries
Right bottom: My first new church
Left bottom ctr: Elder Gus Thompson
Right bottom ctr: Elder Gus and Assistant


My time online is used to manage my ministry and to make mankind aware of the True, One Way to God Gospel as it was preached in the days of the Apostles. I accept invitations from Apostolic Faith Churches from around the country to preach and teach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ. I use the www to communicate with the many internet members that we have on record, and urge them in these last days to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Complete online answers are given to all of the many questions that I receive by e-mail, also, regular mail and faxes. according to bible scripture, chapter and verse. All questions are valid as long as they are pertinent to one's on plan of salvation and are welcomed from anyone.


My intent and desire is to continue to serve the One True God, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and to make known to those that are without Christ, the Great Plan of Salvation sent from God for the redemption of the whole world. My desire is to visit as many of the Apostolic Faith Churches as god may permit, and to fellowship with the saints of God. My intrests are also, in the elders of the church and the youth of the church; especially the young ministers who must be charged before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; (to) preach the word; be instant in season; out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (2 Tim. 4:2). And last but not least my intrest is in YOU, dear brothers and sisters, and it is for you that I pray that God will find you ready when He comes the second time to take his Church to Heaven. It is for this reason that this web site is created and will be maintained by the power of God for as long as it is needed to assist you and others with God's one and only plan of salvation.


John Peeples Walker

Thanks to God, our Father for John who has from the beginning shown respect, love and obedience for his parents. And for this, God has rewarded and blessed him abundantly and with an enriched life, where only those who obey God can ever hope to attain. May he continue to grow strong in the Lord Jesus as he continues on the road to the achieving of his salvation according to the Apostles' Doctrine.

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Charles Murray Walker

Thanks to God, our Father for Charles who has from the beginning shown respect, love and obedience for his parents. And for this, God has rewarded and blessed him abundantly and with an enriched life, where only those who obey God can ever hope to attain. May he continue to grow strong in the Lord Jesus as he continues to help and minister to those who are unable to help themselves.

A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty,...

Suleena Butcher Walker

Prior to his marriage, Charles sent only one young Lady home, for us to meet and to ask our approval. We are forever thankful to god, that this one young lady was Suleena. When we picked her up at the airport on that first visit, before she saw or spoke to us, God let us see her and I knew from that very minute that she would become our daughter-in-law. We are indeed truly blessed to have Suleena as part of our family.

Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all

Mary Tyson Walker

God, our Father joined Sister Mary and I together December 18, 1965, and until this very day we still remain joined together as husband and wife. It is to her credit through trust in the Lord Jesus that we have been able to claim victory of satan and to keep our family abounding in God's wonderful grace and mercy. She has, over the years, not only been a faithful and loyal wife; she has also been, from the beginning, a wonderful mother for all of the children. Sister Mary's patient, respect, and obedience to the Word of God has made her into a role model and an Icon in our community. May God bless and keep her until the receiving of her Crown.

Her husband is known in the gates,...

Elder Charles Ford Walker

Let me tell you, and there is no doubt about it; It is only through the mercy and blessing of God that I was able to claim victory over satan and be rewarded with such wonderful family and I do thank him for all eternity. Realizing that a family is truly one of God's most precious blessings, I will continue to thank God daily for my family's support as I undertake this task of making known His Word to His elect and encouraging all to honestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints. As my family and I go forth in support of the brethern I do request your prayers and spiritual support from day to day.

The words of the preacher


I an looking forward to the days ahead of us, because it is there, where so much of God's work remains to be accomplished by those, whom he has chosen to witness for Him in these last days of mankind upon the earth. Nonetheless, our work at Apostolic Ministries of America, Inc. may within itself be considered small by many; I know, by the assurance of God and our Lord Jesus Christ that it is a vital part of the gigantic effort that is going forward by the many great Apostolic ministers of God, to bring His final message to man and to reveal the revelation of the 'Coming together' of God's people; getting the Church ready to meet the Lord Jesus in the air. An event that will be all joy and unspeakable glory.

My prayer is that God will continue to bless me and those that are laboring with me, with health and strength, that we shall continue to accomplish the objectives which He has commanded of us at AMA. The initial efforts to launch our Apostolic Cyber Church on the Internet is complete, is a success and is available to the whole wide world. Our cyber church debuted as a 100 MB,s web site, thereabout; and our plans is for this site to grow to as much as a 1,000 MB's web site by the end of 2003. At that time we at AMA will be utilizing several dozen workers to maintain the site and to provide the services that are offered to our cyber church members and supporters. Also, our world wide "The True Word" Radio Programs are in the process of being reformatted to compensate for the changing times since 9-11. We will be adding more programming and additional stations reaching all those areas we intend to reclaim for God. With this new format AMA will be able to continue to send the true word of God into the most remote parts of the earth, claiming victory in the name of Jesus Christ and giving to the saints of God, His Comint Together Revelation.

We have completed all initial planing for the New AMA Headquarters Complex, which will include our edifice , where local services and General Assembly Meetings of AMA will be held; A grand atrium, showcasing the "John the Baptist" Baptismal Pool; Child Care and Elementary Education Facilities; Maturity Preservation Facilities (for seniors); Cafeteria Facilities; An Apostolic General Store; Broadcast, Recording and Production Studioes to support AMA Internet, Radio and Television Programs; and Officies of the General overseer and State Elder. The time line for this accomplishment will be one that is manageable and will not extend into the future any further than necessary. Therefore, it is our intent to use existing AMA properties making the necessary modifications and/or use additional properties donated to AMA by the Chief Elder and his family

With the support of the many individuals who have become a part of this effort, including the Internet support which we are receiving, we have established a five year plan with an end date of 2007; Beginning last year, with advance planning and pre-procurement studies for the facilities and equipment which this effort will require.

I ask that you continue to support us as you are, including all of the prayers that are going up to God, and our Lord Jesus Christ , that through all of this effort we are able to complete our mission, and that is to reach God's elect by the delivering of The True Word; that they who are without God may be saved through repentance and remission of sins and the falling on of the Holy Ghost. Again, my prayer to God is that He continue to keep and bless each and everyone of you as we all head down the road to final victory, and to the receiving of our inheritance. Let each of us pray for one another that in that day we each will be there to help crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords

The True Word Apostolic Minister Acts 2:38


© Copyright 1999-2003, Apostolic Ministries of America Inc. All rights reserved.
P.O. Drawer 39, Titusville, Florida 32781-0039
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Apostolic Ministries of America, Inc.